Executive Branch

The Executive Branch is headed by four elected undergraduate students who fulfill the roles of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Comptroller. As members of the Executive Board, they represent American University’s undergraduate population of just under 8,000 students. Each position is equipped with its own unique set of responsibilities and Cabinet oversight. The Executive Branch also serves as an important check on the Judicial and Legislative Branches.

The Executive Board is committed to represent and advocate on behalf of American University’s (AU) undergraduate student body, all the way up to the highest levels of University Administration and the Board of Trustees. We are dedicated to advancing student interests and will continue to uplift marginalized voices and back student-led, campus-wide initiatives for systemic change. From academic affairs to financial aid to diversity and inclusion, we’ve got your back!


Arusa Islam

Student Body President

Contact: President@ausg.org and Arusa.Islam@ausg.org

Pronouns: She/Her

As President, Arusa serves as the chief advocate and spokesperson of Student Government and the Undergraduate Student Body.


Julia Comino

Student Body Vice President

Contact: VP@ausg.org and Julia.Comino@ausg.org

Pronouns: She/They

The Vice President is responsible for organizing Student Government programming and presiding over the Undergraduate Senate.


Aidan Palmer


Contact: secretary@ausg.org and Aidan.Palmer@ausg.org

Pronouns: He/Him

The Secretary serves as the Chief of Communications for Student Government, an organization with over 100 members.

Sal Cottone


Contact: comptroller@ausg.org and Sal.Cottone@ausg.org

Pronouns: He/Him

The Comptroller of the Student Government is responsible for administering the AUSG budget and representing students’ financial interests.